Conversations in Creativity - Jane Foster, Hamish Muir and Craig Oldham

I recently went to Lancashire to take part in a couple of talks as part of the new Lancashire Festival of Making. I was thrilled to be asked and it was wonderful to meet my fellow speakers Hamish Muir and Craig Oldham along with the host Dave Kirkwood and various creative members of the public. (Thank you to Source Creative for letting me have some of your photos here!)

We all spoke at two events - the first event was around a table event in the afternoon discussing our creative journeys and paths amongst 20 or so other creatives / freelancers / designers / students. It was great being up close with everyone answering and discussing topics such as how to cope with the uncertainty being self employed, what makes one keep going during hard times, how best to get your designs out there, what gets us motivated ? etc... It was wonderful discovering there is such overlap and empathy in sharing in this way. I'll admit now that I was rather nervous about doing these talks as the idea of talking out loud about what I do every day to an audience I've not met before was a little daunting, however, it was great fun and despite my nerves, I really enjoyed it and would do it again and again! I love the idea that my journey might in some way inspire others to follow their dreams and creative paths too. 

The evening event was in Blackburn Cathedral and involved a larger audience. We talked about self initiated projects and again answered questions. 


Mini Bedroom Makeover - Jane Foster


Recent visit to the Whitworth Art Gallery - Lucienne Day and Barbara Brown